As many people will be aware, Captain Sir Thomas Moore’s Defence Medal was recently re-presented to him after being lost many years ago; up until a short time ago he had to wear it separately above the other campaign medals for his Second World War service. That is, until Spink’s Medal Services Department stepped in to help.

Medal Specialist Robert Wilde-Evans arranged for Sir Tom’s medals to be re-mounted, adding the Defence Medal in its correct position between the Burma Star and War Medal. Sharp-eyed readers may also notice the style of mounting has been changed, from Ordinary to Court; this style is as worn by soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment, the present day descendants of Sir Tom’s former unit the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.

Additionally, we re-mounted his miniature medals – not only to add a new Defence Medal but also the badge of a Knight Bachelor; Sir Tom will receive the full size badge of a Knight at his investiture later in 2020. We were also asked to provide an Undress ribbon bar for occasions on which he may not wish to wear his full size group.

Robert was recently invited to visit Sir Tom and his family to officially hand over his newly refurbished medals; he was delighted with the result! Robert comments, “It has certainly been a great honour, privilege and indeed pleasure to assist Sir Tom with his medals; his full and true entitlement can now be worn with pride and this occasion has been a poignant reminder of bravery and fortitude in troubled times.”