London, 1st – 15th December 2022
This year, Spink has been excited to bring NFTs to its clients, but with an unusual twist. A Non Fungible Token is a unique digital asset held securely via an internet technology called a blockchain – a system of recording information in a way that makes it virtually impossible to change, hack, or cheat. The NFT market has proved attractive and exciting among a new generation of collectors and traders alike, with NFTs traded on various marketplaces and their growth easily tracked. They have not been without their critics however, with many writing them off as immaterial playthings of no significance or longevity. But what if NFTs were tied to a physical item and gave unique and unquestionable rights to this item? This is what a Fusion DOT (Digital Ownership Token) intends to do by bridging the gap between the material and immaterial by providing inherently secure ownership held on the blockchain.
Spink is proud to offer such Fusion DOTs at auction, having already held two e-Auctions of Photographic Fusion DOTs, with a third to follow this December, beginning 1st December and closing on 25th December. Part Two of the ‘Live From Abbey Road’ Photographic Fusion DOT e-Auction offers unique images of thirteen well-known musicians performing to a private audience at one of the world’s most famous recording studios, Abbey Road. Each lot comprises a high quality digital image, a high quality physical print of the image alongside any associated negatives, copyright over the image and a unique, fusion DOT proving rights and ownership over the image in any form and use which can be collected and cherished or traded on the exciting NFT marketplace.
For further information please contact Tom Fell,
[email protected].